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人文雅士的古典生活始自宋朝,明清發展至風光與濫觴,時至今日,茶、香、花、翫依然是人文品性養成最重要的教育一環。青田美墅作為追求文人精神的復興堡壘, 講究「茶、香、花、翫」的源流與妙用:文仕飲茶、方室昇香、花藝佈局、雅翫怡情;我們將這四項雅藝,以課程與展覽作為發展、相輔相成。更以貿易絲路的歷史 向度為本,探討茶、香、花、翫的總體發展與製程,由器物的選品訂定論述經緯,並深入原料辨識與品質鑑別、融入器物的運用方法和裝飾脈絡。期望落實後現代的 都會生活、發揮文明的無限價值,再創四者的器物復興!

高野美墅主要理念,在於穩定紮實地建構文化通才與工藝專才的成長與交流園地;推廣藝文人本關懷以及培養文化生活教育:主張工藝美術傳承,讓現代人能夠賞析 學習古典品味與古代美感;並且創發巧匠設計,讓所有人都能接觸到價美物廉的文化藝術優良作品。在經營面講求古典文藝審美的實物教學與現代意匠創新的工藝販 售,努力追尋復興人文雅士的優質傳統。並特別強調異業結合與策略聯盟,讓所有正向趣味的文化藝術平台連接,協助學習製作人才的傳承,以高尚誠懇的態度與視 野,激發心靈生活美學的靈巧豐富意象。


The main ideal upon La Meison Boutique is to build up a stylish, pragmatic Academy where we stably provide learningworking opportunities for the cultural generalists and skillful craftsmen to make communions and professions together. We not only rejuvenate crafts within humane caring and sharing, but also develop living standard within cultural studies and practices. Here this Academy advocates the genuine heritages of Art & Craft, representing what our modern people have to appreciate and enjoy, such as material values, fashion tastes and above all, aesthetic senses and sensibilities. Furthermore, we surely innovate the classical styles as well as the contemporary designs; thus every customer and friend shall purchase the so-called works of art with high qualities and reasonable prices.We feel glad to give the classical teachings on art & craft beauty and then artifact evaluations, and to sell good art & craft pieces with modern utility and thoughtful innovation. Meanwhile, this Academy must reveal the authentic decorative art on decent humanity and living existence.We try to converge cross-industry cooperation with strategy alliance in order to set up the apprenticeship for positive learning and creative making. Meison Boutique always encourages the artistic creativities and visionary imaginations. With noble attitudes, we sincerely welcome people to disclose their inner abundant fantasies on spiritual beauty and living.

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